
membuat contact table sendiri di myspace

Kontak Tabel
Ganti url dengan url gambar latar belakang yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk meja kontak Anda.
Kode ini dapat pergi ke "About Me" bagian (atau "Bio" bagian untuk halaman Band).

<i class="i">
START code to Apply Custom Contact Table
All rights reserved. You may not remove my credits.
You may not re-publish this code.
<a class="i" href="xiii.us/ms/contactTable">MySpace Custom Contact Table </a>
<a class="i">
.i {display:none;}
{! below should be set to the height of your image !}
table.contactTable {height:150px !important;}
table.contactTable, table.ContactTable table,
table.contactTable td {background-color:transparent; border:none !important;}
table.contactTable table td a img, table.contactTable .i, i i.x { opacity:0.001 !important; filter:alpha(opacity=0.001) !important }
table.contactTable {background-image:url('http://i3.tinypic.com/82b11ki.gif');
background-position:center; }
{! use below line ONLY if you want to hide the Contacting header!}
table.contactTable td span {visibility:hidden;}
</style> </a>
<i class="i">
END code to apply Custom Contact Table</i>

1 komentar:

author mengatakan...

hallo.. mau nanya..
kalo mau nutup tampilan myspace (bagian primary)nya cara nya gimana yah
mohon bantuannya..please

check myspace saya di


4 Mei 2010 pukul 01.40

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